hello all,
just wanted to say hi...this weekend has been crazy with everything from wrestling Aaron out in the snow to taking my third exam in Human Development. i am sick (cold symptoms) from enjoying the snow too much. and yes, there is an igloo in my backyard.
also, i can't wait for thanksgiving.
i need a break from school.
i like having fun too much. (doesn't everyone?)
just wanted to say how thankful i am for where i live and the people i know.
i love my friends (& Aaron's friends) and family so much! they bring so much joy to my life.
but guess who gives me the greatest joy...
yep, my sweet husband.
i am so lucky to have him.
aaron's favorite phrase these past few days has been "you're a ___ " after i say (for example) "that's a lot of cheese" (on his food), and he'll say, "you're a lot of cheese." ha ha
reeeaaal mature, but i still adore him. he makes me laugh all the time.
i love you aaron! *don't kill me for posting this about you
hope everyone is doing well and has a great week!