Monday, August 27, 2012

first day as a sophomore at byu.

first day of school! first day of school! (to be chanted off Finding Nemo)

in reality i am actually super excited to start learning again. i enjoy doing assignments...i know, weird.
but mostly i love dressing cute and being more stylish. cuz in summer aaron and his friends were like the only ones that saw me. haha i don't know, it's more fun to dress cute when lots of people see you. no brainer, right?
but... like every freaking girl at byu has bangs like i do. no more originality there...but i can safely say that i've had bangs FOREVER, and they will always be timeless in my book. some don't look good with bangs, but i must admit that there were some cute girls today on campus. go them.

kinda frustrating because i'm not changing my hair because of them. i love my hair... MUST FIND A NEW TREND... any ideas?

back to the academic aspect of school..

1st class (english: intro to literature: poems, fiction, drama) - hard professor, tendency to be boring

2nd class (intro to family processes) -very interesting, i get to analyze my family hehe

3rd class (statistics) -i'm taking this with aaron so i'll be fine. love him.

4th class (swahili) -class was cancelled til next week, i have an awesome professor

and tomorrow...

5th class (human development) -i'm super excited for this one!



  1. Sounds like you had a great day, except for all the "bangs"!!!! You rock those bangs and are so stinkin cute, you have nothing to worry about there!! I'm thinking about a new trend you can start........ I'll let you know if I come up with something good!! :)
    Love you and Aaron gobs!!!!!

  2. You can cut/shave your hair like Miley Cyrus. HA
