Wednesday, August 8, 2012


hello everyone,
today's post is just on my thoughts this morning.

congrats to my darling husband for getting a job! i'm super happy for him and us.
except... i still don't have a job yet. it's really quite frustrating and depressing when no one wants to hire you. i made the mistake of not applying for jobs when i was younger to build my resume. i had no reason to parents took care of my expenses. i have mixed feelings about that. it was super nice to just have fun and go to school without worrying about a job, but at the same time i needed that experience. i didn't know it'd be so hard. like i said before in another post, i don't look good on paper...but if they'd just interview me i know they'd be more likely to hire me.
my kids will work when they're in high school and the summer before college because it's important for employers to see you've had some experience. and you need money starting out on your own.
i was once hired at Forever 21 because of was just a seasonal position but i quit after 2 days. my first day there was so long and boring and everyone was super mean. no one told me anything. no one trained me. they just put me by the sale rack and said "go." i kept receiving dirty looks from the other girls, and so during my break i went to the food court and cried. i couldn't handle it. maybe if i had had some other experience in retail i could have handled it better. i don't know. i wish i had stuck it out.
another thing i do is give up too easily. aaron always tells me not to give up and just fight for things. i definitely need to work on that.
i've applied for multiple jobs that i have not gotten...and still in the process of applying and waiting to hear from employers. any day now. top 2 are: either the women's locker room attendant at byu or working at the museum of art at byu. haha awesome jobs huh? i'm desperate.
wish me luck.
i wish i could work with aaron at byu, i think that'd be really fun. but i guess it's unprofessional.
i just want to show aaron (and everyone) that i'm a hard worker.

it sucks starting out when you're first married, but we feel really blessed to have moved into the basement at my mom's to save money.
no way could we afford kids any time soon, haha. not that we were planning on any time soon anyway.

my next post will be positive, i promise. love you all!


  1. The food court.. I think that was the first time I've EVER said, "Aww..." out loud as I read something. Freakin adorable :D

  2. Something will come up, I know it!! Hang in there, I'm praying for ya!! XO

  3. Spence~ Retail sales are difficult because "the customer is always right!" Blah Blah Blah!!!! I worked at Dillards for many years in customer service and lets just say, I am praying you get one of the jobs at BYU! AND, you look great on paper and in person, and you are right, if they just interview you they will see that!!! Keep your chin up, something will come along and you will love it!!!! I love you and Aaron gobs and miss you more!!!!!
