Tuesday, January 29, 2013

we're silly, and we like to sleep in.

today is definitely a snow day... when it's snowing hard you just need to get back in bed and sleep a few more hours (missing class) and it's okay.
i don't feel bad at all...

this is a picture from last weekend at Iceberg, where we got delicious shakes.
Aaron is always making me laugh.
enjoy! and happy tuesday! xo

Saturday, January 26, 2013


hello everyone and happy saturday!
it's always nice to have a saturday just laying around and doing nothing...
recently i have become addicted to the show
American Horror Story
it's sooo good. but scary.
january is almost over.
it's been a COLD one.
these past few days have been in the 30's and
it basically feels like summer to us.
we can actually stand being outside for more than 10 seconds.

i can't wait for february...know why?

1) our one year anniversary (17th)
2) my cute husband's birthday (24th)
3) and i'm walking in a fashion show on the 9th
4) oh and valentine's day (14th)
*but i believe every day should be valentine's day ;)
basically i'm welcoming february with open arms.
have a wonderful saturday!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

new post every saturday.

hello my dear friends that follow my blog,
as you may have noticed, i am quite inconsistent with my blogging, and try to post something whenever I get the chance.
new goal: new post every saturday
but I will also try to post tuesdays and thursdays as well. (just don't hold me to it!) but i will for sure give you some new stuff on saturdays.
saturdays are great days!

today i just got home from a fashion show run-through where i am helping to coach the models on how to walk properly. (yes, i am also in the show!) i'm really excited...i am modeling for a great designer here at BYU. should be an awesome show!

i wanted to share with you some pics from my little adventure to Park City, UT recently! my husband and i went up with his friend kyle. we walked main street, ate yummy food, and went hot tubbing. oh and the drive up was beautiful.

i just have to share my excitement for some 2013 trends (H&M)

leather & black and white!
my two favorite things.
bring it on!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

hello weekend.

just finished the first week of a new semester... so far i think i'm really going to enjoy my classes!
most of my classes count for my major so hopefully i can be done soon! (2 years?)
well, here are a few iPhone pictures to update you a little on my life! enjoy!
No bangs and mermaid hair!

Reminiscing about our x-mas vacation...

Found these icicles sticking out of the ground

We can barely leave our house with this much snow!

Some swelling and bruising from a snowmobile accident
(luckily that's all my injuries were)

Friday, January 4, 2013


hello! yes i know, two posts in one day...
tonight i can't help but share my thoughts with you while i sip my Martinelli's sparkling cider. yum!

i can't wait to finally have my own home (renting or owned, doesn't matter) that i can decorate and express my creativity that way.
everywhere i go i am constantly thinking decor and saying to myself "ah that would be so cute in my future home."
i also can't wait to be done with school. aaron and i both.
i want aaron to have a good job that he finds joy in doing; and i with a little baby on the way.
people tell me that when these days i speak of come, i will wish i was still in college enjoying our early years of marriage.
to tell you the truth, i think having a family, growing, and experiencing new things with aaron will make me the happiest. not writing essays and struggling for money...
i can't wait to see what darling kids we raise and how they'll be their own little person with some characteristics of their mom and dad. it will be hard, but extremely rewarding.
i still have about two more years of school left and i would love to graduate before a little baby comes along. (we'll cross our fingers because that really would be the ideal situation)
i love my aaron and i'm so glad we're in this journey through life together.
he helps me in so many ways, love you. xo

thanks for reading, i appreciate you all so much. goodnight!

oh how i love clothes.

hello my lovelies, today i'd like to share with you this awesome website that has super cheap and super cute clothes.

this darling company was created by Camille, a cute mom that searches high and low to bring us the best modest and trendy clothing items. thank you Camille!

when you buy, remember to use the coupon code: spencer for 10% off! go check it out here! you won't be disappointed!

everything is anywhere between $4 and $30. here's a little preview of some cute things they have to offer:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

hello 2013!

happy new years everyone!
looking back on 2012, i am satisfied.
it was such a great year!
i married my best friend in february, so...that was pretty much the best thing that happened that year.
in about a month and a half i will have been married one year! crazy!

a few resolutions i have for 2013:
-Eat healthier
-Be a better wife
-Do well at BYU

love you all, lets accomplish all our resolutions this year everyone! xo
here's to a new year!